Our Dogs
Meet the Dams

Red & White Parti
Valley is our most curious Poodle and her coloring is exquisite. Born in the mountains, raised on the prairie & full of love.
Weight: 31 Lbs
Height: 18 Inches
Embark Panel: Clear
PennHIP: Good
OFA Patellas: Clear
OFA Elbows: Clear
OFA Cardiac: Clear
OFA Eyes: Clear
e/e B/b At/At KB/Ky Sp/Sp m/m
✅ CKC & AKC Registered

Brindlepoint Tri
Osa is our most tender spirited Poodle. She is always first to hop on your lap for a snuggle and belly rub! We love having her in our family.
Weight: 50 Lbs
Height: 23 Inches
Animal Genetics Panel: Clear
PennHIP: Above Average
Eyes: Clear on exam
Cardiac: Clear on exam
Em/e B/B At/a KB/Ky Sp/Sp m/m

Phantom Parti (Tri)
Kansas is a farm girl at heart. She loves the hustle and bustle of rural life but also loves a good front porch nap. She is very laid back but also enjoys being a part of all the action!
Weight: 41 Lbs
Height: 22 Inches
Embark Poodle Panel: Clear
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Clear
OFA Cardiac: Clear
OFA Eyes: Clear
Em/em B/b At/At Ky/Ky Sp/Sp m/m
✅ CKC & AKC Registered

Phantom Parti (Tri)
Dixie is 'as cool as Tennessee Whiskey & as sweet as Strawberry Wine' (see what I did there?) Raised in an amazing home and receiving her foundational training from BC Dog Guides, she is beautiful inside & out.
Weight: 25 Lbs
Height: 17 Inches
Embark Poodle Panel: Clear (including cddy)
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Clear
OFA Patella's: Clear
OFA Cardiac: Clear
OFA Eyes: Clear
Em/em B/B At/At Ky/Ky Sp/Sp m/m
(heavily saddle tanned face)
✅ CKC Registered

Brown Based Phantom Abstract
Pal has an unyielding zest for life and an affectionate spirit. Her warm, expressive eyes seem to light up every room, and she thrives on human companionship, always ready for a cuddle. With her unwavering loyalty, she embodies the perfect blend of joy and love, making her a truly cherished member of her family and our program.
Animal Genetics Panel: Clear
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Patella: Clear
OFA Cardiac: Clear
OFA Elbows: Clear
OFA Eyes: Clear
Em/e b/b Ky/Ky At/At S/Sp m/m
✅ CKC Registered
✅ AKC Registered​
Meet the Sires

Merle Phantom Parti
Ennis is a beautiful, intuitive soul. He is human focused, caring and athletic. He loves his family and enjoys the challenges ongoing training provides.
Weight: 42 Lbs
Height: 22 Inches
PawPrint Panel: Clear (including cddy)
PennHIP: Good
OFA Patella's: Clear
OFA Elbows: Clear
OFA Cardiac: Clear
OFA Eyes: Clear
E/E B/b At/a ky/ky sp/sp M/m
Merle Locus Genotype: mos267-222
✅ CKC & AKC Registered
✅ Live Cover & Shipping Available!

Phantom Parti (Tri)
Wade is a handsome Phantom Parti who's loyalty, intelligence & loving demeanor are immediately apparent to anyone who meets him.
Weight: 25 Lbs
Height: 18 Inches
Paw Print Panel: Clear (including cddy)
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Patella's: Clear
OFA Elbows: Clear
OFA Cardiac: Clear
OFA Eyes: Clear
E/e B/b at/at ky/ky sp/sp m/m​
✅ CKC & AKC Registered
✅ Live Cover & Shipping Available!

Red & White Parti
Small but mighty, Wheeler is a very unique dog who enjoys training & socialization with everyone. Wheeler is the first Prairie Poodles born sire to be added to our program. We couldn't love him more!
Weight: 18 Lbs
Height: 15 Inches
Paw Print Panel: Clear (including cddy)
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Patella's: Clear
OFA Elbows: Clear
OFA Cardiac: Clear
OFA Eyes: Clear
e/e b/b at/at kb/ky sp/sp m/m
✅ CKC Registered
✅ Live Cover & Shipping Available!

Red Abstract
Pierce is a gentle, human focused, loving boy who enjoys relaxing at home with his family and exploring the world around him.
Weight: 22 Lbs
Height: 17 Inches
Paw Print Panel: 1c CDDY otherwise clear
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Patella's: Clear
OFA Elbows: Clear
OFA Cardiac: Clear
OFA Eyes: Clear
e/e b/b at/at kb/ky s/sp m/m
✅ CKC Registered
✅ Live Cover & Shipping Available!